Who I am

Hi, I'm Yi Fan Song, currently studying for a Bachelors of Mathematics at the University of Waterloo. I'm from Xi'an, China, and I love the food from my hometown, 凉皮, 羊肉泡馍, 肉夹馍, etc..

Send me an email.
Other ways to reach me.
My resume, usually, this website will be more up to date.

Things I do

Most of the code I've written are for the backend, but I've done a lot of frontend in the past, my interest mostly lies in backend, so that's what my own projects have mostly been about, either that or it was some tool to solve some trivial problem for myself.

A non-exhaustive list of things I've learned

  • Programming languages: Typescript, Golang, SQL, Python, Lua, PHP, HTML, CSS
  • Frameworks: ReactJs, React Native, Angular, Express
  • Libraries: OpenCV, Scikit-image, Firebase, DiscordJs
  • Misc: Docker, Nginx, REST

Things I made

Things I like

Of course, I do things other than programming or spending an entire day trying to get a program to work in my environment.

Things I think

about website design

My website is ultra light and simple because I've once read a rant on overdesigning websites and I agree with lots of the points brought up, and the simpler a website is, the easier it is to make it accessible by following the Web Accessiblity Iniatiative (WAI) guidelines. Also, I am not going to spend countless hours trying to make a fancy looking website just to learn some random animation library that will have no use besides looking nice when you have javascript turned on and don't mind loading a massive library (no offense to front-end developers), but that is simply not my area of interest.

about https

Secure your freaking website, there is no reason why in this day and age, anyone still uses http. Service like Let's Encrypt makes it free to get a certificate and there's tons of tools out there to automatically get a certificate for you and install it within a static webserver. If it's a dynamic website or some API, it's not very hard to add https to most backend frameworks, and worst case just reverse proxy it. Just add https.

about my blog

I suppose this would also contain a list of recent blogs if I ever decide to blog. [WIP]

Things I Read

I don't know who made these, but they are so well articulated with real world examples that it's hard to not take these to heart.

How to reach me

I can speak English, French or Chinese.